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Broad Categories of ISO Certification Standards

ISO 9001 ensure company product & services meets customer expectations and enhance customer satisfaction.


What is ISO 9001:2015?

  • ISO 9001:2015 is the International Standard for Quality Management Systems (QMS).
  • It provides your company with a set of principles that ensure a common-sense approach to the management of your business active ties to consistently achieve customer satisfaction.

  • Who is ISO 9001:2015 applicable to?

    Any organization can benefit from implementing ISO 9001:2015 as its requirements are underpinned by eight management principles:

  • A customer-focused organization Leadership
  • The involvement of people
  • Ensuring a process approach
  • A systematic approach to management
  • A factual approach to decision making
  • Mutually beneficial supplier relations
  • Continuous improvement

  • What are the benefits of registration?

  • Customer satisfaction - through the delivery of products that consistently meet customer requirements
  • Reduced operating costs - through continual improvement of processes and resulting operational efficiencies
  • Improved stakeholder relationships - including staff, customers, and suppliers
  • Legal compliance - by understanding how statutory and regulatory requirements impact the organization and its customers
  • Improved risk management - through greater consistency and traceability of products and services
  • Proven business credentials - through independent verification against recognized standards
  • Ability to win more business - particularly where procurement specifications require certification as a condition to supply
  • What is ISO 50001:2018?

  • ISO 50001:2018 is the International Standard for Energy Management.
  • It provides the most robust framework for optimizing energy efficiency in public and private sector organizations.
  • Certification to this standard defines an organization’s commitment to continual improvement in energy management. Implementation will enable an organization to lead by example within their respective industries and ensure related legislative and regulatory requirements are met.

  • Who is ISO 50001 applicable to?

    Organizations of all types and sizes can benefit from energy and cost efficiencies through the implementation of this standard.

    What is the benefit of ISO 50001 certification?

  • Significant financial savings can be achieved through increased energy efficiency. (Ofgem forecasts energy prices will rise by at least 20% by 2020)
  • Enhanced marketing capabilities. Make your business stand out.
  • ISO 50001 is the most robust energy management system, enabling organizations to continual improvements in energy performance
  • Organizations can ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements
  • System Compatibility; ISO 50001 can be integrated with existing management systems
  • If registered to ISO 14001, the ‘basic framework’ is already there
  • Ensure best practice energy management systems are in place
  • BS EN 16001 framework facilitates the management of energy bills and expenditures.

  • ISO 14001 maps out a framework that an organization can follow to set up an effective environmental management system.

    What is ISO 14001:2015?

  • ISO 14001 is the International Standard for Environmental Management Systems.
  • ISO 14001 is the principal management system standard that specifies the requirements for the formulation and maintenance of an EMS. There are three fundamental commitments required in an environmental policy that meets the requirements of ISO 14001.

  • These include:
  • prevention of pollution
  • compliance with legislation
  • continual improvement of the EMS
  • These commitments help drive improvements in overall environmental performance.

  • Who is ISO 14001 applicable to?

    Organizations of all types, sectors, and sizes can improve their environmental performance through the implementation of this standard.

    What are the benefits of ISO 14001 registration?

  • The improveded environmental performance led by top management commitment
  • Cost savings can be achieved through improved efficiencies in energy and water usage and through waste minimization
  • Reduced risk of pollution incidents and other releases to the environment and therefore avoidance of unnecessary clean-up costs and/or enforcement action by regulatory bodies
  • Compliance with legislation through the identification of new legislation in adequate time to address appropriate issues
  • Reduced risk of non-compliance with legislation and subsequent costs/prosecution
  • Improved brand image as customers will see an organization that is in control of its impact on the environment
  • Improved business focus and communication of environmental issues
  • Improved profitability through costs reductions and improved customer satisfaction.

  • OHSAS 18001 allows a company to show their customers that company has effective health and safety management system.

    What is ISO 45001:2018?

  • ISO 45001:2018is the International Occupational Health and Safety Management Standard.
  • OHSAS 18001 provides a framework to the effective management of OH&S including compliance with the legislation that applies to your activities and identified hazards.

  • Who is OHSAS 18001 applicable to?

  • The standard is applicable to any organization that wishes to eliminate or minimize risk to employees and other stakeholders who may be exposed to OH&S risks associated with its activities.
  • Many organizations will have elements required by OHSAS 18001 already in place which can be supplemented to provide a more cohesive management system to meet the requirements of the standard.
  • Organizations that implement OHSAS 18001 have a clear management structure with defined authority and responsibility, clear objectives for improvement, with measurable results, and a structured approach to risk assessment. This includes the monitoring of health and safety management failures, auditing of performance and review of policies and objectives.

    What are the benefits of OHSAS 18001 registration?

  • Customer satisfaction - through the delivery of products that consistently meet customer requirements whilst safeguarding their health and property
  • Reduced operating costs - by decreasing down-time through incidents and ill health and reducing costs associated with legal fees and compensation
  • Improved stakeholder relationships - by safeguarding the health and property of staff, customers, and suppliers
  • Legal compliance - by understanding how statutory and regulatory requirements impact the organization and its customers
  • Improved risk management - through clear identification of potential incidents and implementation of controls and measures
  • Proven business credentials - through independent verification against recognized standards
  • Ability to win more business - particularly where procurement specifications require certification as a condition to supply

  • ISO 22000 allows a company to show their customers that company has effective food safety management.

    What is ISO/IEC 20000?

    ISO/IEC 20000 is the international standard specifically aimed at IT Service Management (ITSM). The standard was based on the best practice framework for ITSM, the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL).

    What are benefits of ISO/IEC 20000 registration?

  • Increased customer satisfaction because of increased business-focus as opposed to Technology-focus
  • Demonstrates a management commitment to quality.
  • Differentiator to win new business as this is increasingly a requirement for many contracts, including government contracts.
  • Creates opportunities to improve the efficiency, reliability and consistency of IT services via regular certification audits.
  • Reduce costs by increasing efficiencies.
  • Achieve international best practice standards of IT service management
  • Develop IT services that are driven by and support business objectives
  • Integrate people, processes and technology to support business goals
  • Put in place controls to measure and maintain consistent levels of service
  • ISO/IEC 2000 is compatible with ITIL to support continual improvement

  • ISO 20000 allows demonstrating excellence and prove best practice in IT & improvement in the delivery of IT services.

    What is ISO/TS 16949:2009?

  • ISO/TS 16949 is the International Quality Management Standard specifically written by the Automotive Industry.
  • The introduction of TS 16949 has resulted in substantial improvements in all aspects of quality, delivery, and overall efficiency throughout the supply chain. It has also reduced the requirement for multiple audits of manufacturers.

  • Who is TS 16949 applicable to?

    The standard is applicable to any organization within the automotive supply chain that manufactures and / or adds value to parts for supply to the automotive industry.

    What are the benefits of certification to TS 16949?

  • Global recognition as a reputable supplier - certification is recognized and accepted throughout the automotive supply chain as an industry benchmark
  • Customer satisfaction - through the delivery of products that consistently meet customer requirements
  • Reduced cost of compliance with customer specifications - through the implementation of a single management system and reduced audit requirements
  • Reduced operating costs - through continual improvement of processes and resulting operational efficiencies
  • Improved stakeholder relationships - including staff, customers, and suppliers
  • Legal compliance - by understanding how statutory and regulatory requirements impact the organization and its customers
  • Improved risk management - through greater consistency and traceability of products and services
  • Proven business credentials - through independent verification against recognized standards
  • Ability to win more business - particularly where procurement specifications require certification as a condition to supply

  • ISO 27001 describes a best practice of a company who involves in the information security management system (ISMS).

    What is ISO/IEC 27001:2013?

  • ISO 27001 is the International Standard for Information Security Management Systems (ISMS).
  • ISO 27001 provides the framework for a technology-neutral, vendor-neutral management system that enables an organization to assure itself that its information security measures are effective.
  • Implementation of ISO 27001 is an ideal response to legal requirements and potential security threats

  • such as:
  • Vandalism/terrorism
  • Fire
  • Misuse
  • Theft
  • Viral attack

  • ISO 27001 is structured to be easily compatible with other management systems standards such as ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.

    Who is ISO 27001 applicable to?

  • ISO 27001 is applicable to any organization where the misuse, corruption, or loss of its business or customer information could result in major commercial prejudice.
  • NQA has registered organizations to ISO 27001 in sectors as diverse as storage and warehousing, secure destruction, telecommunications, advertising, financial outsourcing and software development.

  • What are the benefits of ISO 27001?

  • Customer satisfaction - by giving confidence that their personal information is protected and confidentiality upheld
  • Business continuity - through management of risk, legal compliance, and vigilance of future security issues and concerns
  • Legal compliance - by understanding how statutory and regulatory requirements impact the organization and its customers
  • Improved risk management - through a systematic framework for ensuring customer records, financial information, and intellectual property are protected from loss, theft, and damage
  • Proven business credentials - through independent verification against recognized standards
  • Ability to win more business - particularly where procurement specifications require certification as a condition to supply
  • CE Marking on any brand is a manufacturer's affirmation that the product has complied with the necessary requirements of the applicable European health, safety, and environmental protection benchmark.
  • ISO 50001 describes best energy management practices which outline using energy efficiently helps organizations save money as well as helping to conserve resources and tackle climate change.

  • What is ISO 22000:2018?

  • ISO 22000 is the International Food Safety, Management Standard.
  • It combines and supplements the core elements of ISO 9001 and HACCP to provide an effective framework for the development, implementation, and continual improvement of a Food Safety Management System (FSMS).
  • ISO 22000 aligns with other management systems, such as ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, to enable effective systems integration.

  • Who is ISO 22000 applicable to?

    ISO 22000 can be used by any organization directly or indirectly involved in the food chain including:

  • Farms, fisheries, and dairies
  • Processors of meats, fish, and feed
  • Manufacturers of bread and cereals, beverages, canned and frozen food
  • Food service providers such as restaurants, fast food chains, hospitals and hotels, and mobile caterers
  • Supporting services including food storage and distribution and suppliers of food processing equipment, additives, raw materials, cleaning, and sanitizing products, and packaging

  • In summary, part or all of the ISO 22000 requirements will apply to any products that contacts the food industry or the food chain.

    What are the benefits of ISO 22000 registration?

  • Customer satisfaction - through delivery of products that consistently meet customer requirements including quality, safety and legality
  • operating costs - through continual improvement of processes and resulting operational efficiencies
  • Operational efficiencies - by integrating pre-requisite programs (PRP’s & OPRP’s), HACCP with the Plan-Do-Check-Act philosophies of ISO 9001 to increase the effectiveness of the Food Safety Management System
  • Improved stakeholder relationships - including staff, customers and suppliers
  • Legal compliance - by understanding how statutory and regulatory requirements impact the organization and its customers and testing compliance through internal audits and management reviews
  • Improved risk management - through greater consistency and traceability of product
  • Proven business credentials - through independent verification against recognized standards
  • Ability to win more business - particularly where procurement specifications require certification as a condition to supply
  • What is ISO 26000:2010?

  • ISO 26000 International guidance document on social responsibility
  • ISO 26000 is an international guidance document on social responsibility.
  • It provides an organization with an outline of the principles and core subjects that it should be managing to ensure it identifies and manages a number of societal risks and impacts.

  • The guidance covers a number of core subject areas including:

  • Organizational Governance
  • Human Rights
  • Labor Practices
  • Environment
  • Fair Operating Practices
  • Consumer issues
  • Community involvement and development

  • Who is ISO 26000 applicable to?

  • Every organization is encouraged to become more socially responsible by using this standard.

  • It is intended to be useful to all types of organizations:

  • In the private, public, and non-profit sectors,
  • Whether large or small,
  • Whether operating in developed or developing countries,
  • For those beginning to address Social Responsibility (SR), as well as those more experienced with its implementation.

  • What are the benefits of ISO 26000?

    ISO 26000 can help an organization identify strengths and weaknesses in how it manages a number of social responsibility areas. This can help significantly with compliance in a number of areas, including human rights and employment legislation and guidance, as well as the more commonly understood areas of environment and health and safety.

    There are numerous benefits associated with an ISO 26000:

    Improvement in establishing compliance with legislative and other requirements by providing a systematic approach for meeting current and identifying future legislation

  • Helps you demonstrate corporate social responsibility and that you are fulfilling policy commitments
  • Competitive edge over businesses when invited to tender
  • Improved awareness and management of sustainability risks
  • Shares common areas with ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001, for example, enabling integration into your management systems
  • Improved awareness and knowledge mean improved business decisions
  • Improved business decisions drive continual improvement, better use of resources and help reduce costs
  • Benchmarking against competitors helps drive improvement.
  • What is ISO 13485:2016?

  • ISO 13485 is a Management Systems Standard specifically developed for the manufacture of Medical Devices.
  • Its primary objective is to facilitate harmonized medical device regulatory requirements.

  • The standard contains specific requirements for manufacture, installation, and servicing and calls for:

  • Implementation of a Quality Management System with several enhancements
  • Risk Management approach to product development and product realization
  • Validation of processes
  • Compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements
  • Effective product traceability and recall systems

  • Who is ISO 13485 applicable to?

    ISO 13485 contains requirements that are essential for any organization operating at any tier in the medical device and pharmaceutical supply chain. It is especially relevant to manufacturers that wish to demonstrate applicable regulatory requirements, and by organizations whose, services support medical device manufacturers.

    What are the benefits of certification?

  • Customer satisfaction - through the delivery of products that consistently meet customer requirements as well as quality, safety and legal requirements
  • Reduced operating costs - through continual improvement of processes and resulting operational efficiencies
  • Improved stakeholder relationships - including staff, customers and suppliers
  • Legal compliance - by understanding how statutory and regulatory requirements impact the organization and its customers
  • Improved risk management - through greater consistency and traceability of products and use of risk management techniques
  • Proven business credentials - through independent verification against recognized standards
  • Ability to win more business - particularly where procurement specifications require certification as a condition to supply in a highly regulated sector

  • What is halal?

  • Halal simply means permitted or lawful. So when we are talking about halal foods it means any foods that are allowed to be eaten according to Islamic Sharia law.
  • This means that for any food to be considered halal it must comply with the religious ritual and observance of Sharia law.

  • What is halal certification?

    This means that food has been subjected to approved certification systems that guarantee to consumers that nothing in the food has any forbidden components. Halal certificates are issued, for a fee, by a certifying body.

    What are the Benefits of Halal Certification?

  • Opportunities to tap a global Halal food market of about 2 billion people (Middle east, Asia Pacific EU, U SA, LATAM, Central Asia)
  • The halal logo is an authoritative, independent, and reliable testimony to support Halal food claims
  • 200% profit of greater market share: No loss of non-Muslim markets/clients
  • Enhance marketability of products in Muslim countries/markets
  • Small cost investment relative to multiple growths in revenues
  • Image boosts in meeting varied customer needs.
  • Improve the food preparation hygienic system
  • Improve the food quality to global standards


    Presently, Muis offers 7 types of Halal certification schemes to suit the various categories of the food and food-related industry. They are:

    Eating Establishment Scheme

  • Issued to retail food establishments such as restaurants, school canteen stalls, snack bars, Halal corners, confectioneries, bakery shops, stalls within a foodcourt or its equivalent, and temporary stalls in bazaars, flea markets, trade fairs, etc

  • Endorsement Scheme

  • Issued to imported, exported, or re-exported products in respect of which Halal certificates have been issued

  • Food Preparation Area Scheme

  • Issued to catering establishments and central kitchen facilities

    Poultry Abattoir Scheme

  • Issued to poultry abattoirs for their freshly-slaughtered poultry

    Product Scheme

  • Issued to products that are manufactured or partly manufactured/processed in Singapore

    Storage Facility Scheme

  • Issued to stationary and mobile storage facilities such as warehouses and cold rooms

    Whole Plant Scheme

  • Issued to manufacturing facilities and all products manufactured therein. In addition to the above, Muis also provides Halal Food Certification for social functions such as luncheons, weddings, seminars, corporate gatherings, etc. organized in hotels, exhibition halls, or outdoor locations.

  • What is AS 9100?

  • AS 9100 is the International Aerospace Industry Quality Management Standard.
  • It is specifically written by the aerospace industry in a concerted effort to improve quality and assure the integrity of supplies to the industry.
  • The standard is based on the tested and proven foundation of ISO 9001, which it supplements with specific additional requirements necessary to address civil/military aviation and space needs. This enables organizations with an ISO 9001 quality management system to progress to AS 9100 without significant modification.
  • It also represents a significant effort by the aerospace industry to produce a single standard for use across the global aerospace supply chain.

  • Contributing sources include:

  • The preceding standards AS 9000 and TS 157
  • Aerospace industry regulatory requirements
  • Government procurement standards
  • Contributions from various national and international stakeholders representing the industry

  • Who is AS 9100 applicable to?

  • AS 9100 is applicable to organizations that design and manufacture products for the aerospace industry including parts, components, and assemblies.

    What are the benefits of certification?

  • Global recognition as a reputable supplier - as certification is recognized and accepted throughout the aerospace supply chain as an industry benchmark
  • Customer satisfaction - through the delivery of products that consistently meet customer requirements
  • Reduced operating costs - through continual improvement of processes and resulting operational efficiencies
  • Improved stakeholder relationships - including staff, customers and suppliers
  • Legal compliance - by understanding how statutory and regulatory requirements impact the organization and its customers
  • Improved risk management - through greater consistency and traceability of products and services
  • Proven business credentials - through independent verification against a globally recognized industry standard
  • Ability to win more business - particularly where procurement specifications require certification as a condition to supply
  • What is Six Sigma?

    Six Sigma is a management system, methodology, and statistical analysis tool for streamlining business processes via the elimination of defects. By implementing Six Sigma organizations can improve and sustain quality, eliminate waste and increase profit.

    This is achieved by:

  • Reducing variations in processes
  • Defining, Measuring, Analyzing, Improving, and Controlling processes
  • Involvement and commitment of the whole organization including top-level management

  • Six Sigma was originally developed by Motorola, the USA in 1986. Since then Six Sigma has spread far beyond its roots in manufacturing and is now used extensively to improve service-based and transactional business processes.

    What does Lean mean?

  • The core idea is to maximize customer value while minimizing waste. Simply, lean means creating more value for customers with fewer resources. A lean organization understands customer value and focuses its key processes to continuously increase it. The ultimate goal is to provide perfect value to the customer through a perfect value creation process that has zero waste.
  • To accomplish this, lean thinking changes the focus of management from optimizing separate technologies, assets, and vertical departments to optimizing the flow of products and services through entire value streams that flow horizontally across technologies, assets, and departments to customers.
  • Eliminating waste along entire value streams, instead of at isolated points, creates processes that need less human effort, less space, less capital, and less time to make products and services at far less costs and with much fewer defects, compared with traditional business systems. Companies are able to respond to changing customer desires with high variety, high quality, low cost, and with very fast throughput times. Also, information management becomes much simpler and more accurate.

  • Lean Six Sigma Black Belt - 10 days

    The Six Sigma Black Belt Conversion Training course is aimed at delegates who have already achieved Six Sigma Green Belt Certification. Delegates who have not attended Six Sigma Green Belt training should first attend our Lean Six Sigma Green Belt training course and complete a Six Sigma project before attending.

    Six Sigma Black Belt Conversion Training Course Content

    Delegates should bring a well-defined Six Sigma project with them to the course, including SIPOC, Process Map and Data. You will be able to undertake live Six Sigma project work during the course and in the month’s gap between the two weeks of training.

    Define – Week 1

  • Understanding Variability
  • Thought Mapping
  • Project Charter
  • Basic Statistics
  • Cost of Poor Quality
  • QFD/Voice of the Customer
  • Process Maps

  • Measure - Week 1

  • Measurement Basics
  • Equipment R & R/MSA
  • Histograms
  • Sigma Levels & DPMO
  • Scatter Plots
  • Yield Calculation
  • Process Capability
  • Sampling Techniques
  • Gauge R&R
  • Confidence Intervals
  • Implementing the measurement
  • Brainstorming
  • Data Collection
  • FMEA

  • Analyze - Week 1 / Week 2

    Data Analysis

    1. Pareto charts
    2. Run charts
    3. Frequency charts
    4. Variation

    Process Mapping and Analysis

    1. Value Stream Analysis
    2. Complexity

    Cause-Effect Diagram & 5 Why’s Confidence Intervals
    Capability Studies
    Central Limit Theorem

    Design of Experiments (DoE)
    1. Full Factorial
    2. Fractional
    3. 2k Fractional
    4. Multi-Vari
    5. ANOVA
    6. Correlation/Regression
    7. Stratification
    8. Box Plots

    Improve – Week 2

    Hypothesis Testing
    1. F-Tests
    2. T-Tests
    3. ANOVA
    4. Chi-Square
    Selecting solutions
    Developing solution options
    DoE in Optimization
    FMEA risk analysis
    Remedy Selection Matrix

    Control – Week 2

    1. Statistical Control
    2. Mistake Proofing
    3. Variation
    4. I, X Bar, and R Charts
    5. Control Charts
    6. Response Charts
    7. Process Scorecards

    Lean Six Sigma Green Belt ---5 days

    Project teams lie at the heart of Six Sigma improvement and redesign activities. These teams consist of people who want to use their knowledge and skills to improve the performance of business processes. Lean Six Sigma Green Belt training is for developing team members’ understanding and application of the Define Measure Analyze Improve and Control (DMAIC) model which is the cornerstone of most Six Sigma projects.

    The focus of Six Sigma is fundamentally quality, cost, and customer focus. Lean focuses primarily on cost and speed. This course blends Lean concepts and tools into the Six Sigma DMAIC model. Team leaders and members are the muscle and brains behind the Lean Six Sigma programmer, so it is critical that they are equipped with the skills and tools to enable them to deliver current (and future) improvements.

    Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Training Course Content

    This Lean Six Sigma Green Belt course, which has a case study running through the five days, covers:


  • Understanding Variability
  • Project Charter
  • Communication Plan
  • Stakeholder Analysis
  • Identify and segment Key Customers
  • Critical to Quality (CTQ) Requirements Verifying CTQs
  • Process Vision
  • Project Plan
  • Hi-level Process map

  • Measure

  • Measurement Basics
  • Measurement process and plan
  • Selecting Measures
  • Data definition and sources
  • Sampling
  • Gauge R&R
  • Implementing the measurement plan
  • Measuring yield and capability

  • Analyze

    Data Analysis
    1. Pareto charts
    2. Frequency charts
    3. Run charts
    4. Variation
    Process Mapping and Analysis
    1. Value Stream Analysis
    2. Complexity

    Cause and Effect Analysis
    Verifying causes
    1. Scatter diagrams
    2. Design of Experiment


    Brain storming
    Process Vision
    Lean principles
    Theory of Constraints

    Evaluating solutions

    1. Decision Analysis
    2. Impact Effort Matrix

    Selecting solutions
    Business scenarios
    Developing solution options
    Pilot testing
    Implementation planning
    FMEA risk analysis
    Force field analysis


    Simple and appropriate documentation
    Mistake Proofing

    Statistical Control

    1. Variation
    2. Control Charts
    3. I, X Bar and R Charts
    4. Response Charts
    5. Process Scorecards
    6. Process Management
    7. Project Close and Handover

    Benefits of Training

    Able to improve technical expertise, and managerial skills Able to improve technical expertise, managerial skill, and ability to apply quality methodologies to drive business improvements.

  • Organizations can reduce cost and improve profit by implementing the six-sigma methodology.
  • Employability of students improves.
  • Accredited by American International Accreditation Organization.
  • Opportunity for career development inside the organization improves.

  • Structure

    1. Lean Six Sigma Yellow belt: Rs.10000
    2. Lean Six Sigma Green Belt: Rs.20000
    3. Lean Six Sigma Black Belt: Rs.30000


    IQCCAB offers consultancy services for obtaining NABH accreditation for hospitals, and clinics. National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH) is a constituent board of the Quality Council of India, set up to establish and operate accrued programmer health care organizations. the board is structured to cater to the much-desired needs of the consumers and to set benchmarks for progress of health industry. The board while being supported by all stakeholders including industry, consumers, government, have full functional autonomy in its operation.

    Benefits of Accreditation

  • "A public recognition of the achievement of accreditation standards by a healthcare organization, demonstrated through an independent external peer assessment of that organization’s level of performance in relation to the standards".
  • Accreditation benefits all stakeholders. Patients are the biggest beneficiary. Accreditation results in high quality of care and patient safety. The patients get services from credentialed medical staff. The rights of patients are respected and protected. Patient satisfaction is regularly evaluated.
  • The staff in an accredited health care organization are satisfied a lot as it provides for continuous learning, a good working environment, leadership, and above all ownership of clinical processes.
  • Accreditation to a health care organization stimulates continuous improvement. It enables the organization in demonstrating a commitment to quality care. It raises community confidence in the services provided by the health care organization. It also provides an opportunity for the healthcare unit to benchmark with the best.
  • Finally, accreditation provides an objective system of empanelment by insurance and other third parties. Accreditation provides access to reliable and certified information on facilities, infrastructure and level of care.

  • Outline of NABH Standards:

    Patient Centered Standards

    1. Access, Assessment and Continuity of Care (AAC).
    2. Care of Patients (COP).
    3. Management of Medication (MOM).
    4. Patient Rights and Education (PRE).
    5. Hospital Infection Control (HIC).

    Organization Centered Standards

    1. Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI).
    2. Responsibility of Management (ROM)
    3. Facility Management and Safety (FMS).
    4. Human Resource Management (HRM).
    5. Information Management System (IMS).


  • IQCCAB offers consultancy for obtaining NABL accreditation for testing, calibration labs, and medical diagnostic labs.
  • ISO/IEC 17025: Testing and calibration laboratories
  • ISO/IEC 15189: Medical diagnostic laboratories


  • Formal recognition of the competence of a laboratory by an Accreditation body in accordance with international criteria provides a ready means for customers to identify and select reliable testing, measurement, and calibration services.
  • Marketing advantage: Accreditation bodies publish a directory of their accredited laboratories- a potential means of promoting laboratories’ accredited services to potential clients.
  • Savings in terms of time and money due to reduction or elimination of the need for re-testing of products. The uniform approach for determining laboratory competence encourages laboratories to adopt internationally accepted testing and measurement practices. This effectively reduces costs for both the manufacturer and the importer, as it reduces or eliminates the need for products to be retested in another country.
  • Better control of laboratory operations: Incorporation of the systematic approach of relevant standards in the working of the laboratory provides better control of laboratory operations.
  • Benchmark for performance: A regular assessment by an accreditation body as per international standards checks all aspects of the facility’s operation consistently producing accurate and dependable data. Therefore, raises the performance level to the appropriate international standard.
  • Ease of operation: Customers can search and identify the laboratories accredited by NABL for their specific requirements from the Directory of Accredited Laboratories.
  • Users of accredited laboratories will enjoy greater access for their products, in both domestic and international markets, when the products are tested by accredited laboratories as the test data is accepted in the national and international markets. This can lead to potential increase in business due to enhanced customer confidence and satisfaction.
  • International recognition for laboratory: Laboratory accreditation is highly regarded both nationally and internationally as reliable indicator of technical competence. Mutual recognition agreements (MRAs) among the countries enable test and calibration data produced by accredited laboratories to be accepted between these countries.

  • What is ISO 22301?

    ISO 22301 is a management system standard for business continuity which can be used by organizations of all sizes and types. These organizations will be able to obtain certification against this standard and demonstrate to legislators, regulators, customers, prospective customers and other interested parties that they are adhering to good practices in business continuity. ISO 22301 also enables the business continuity manager to show top management that a recognized standard has been achieved.

    Incidents can disrupt an organization at any time and applying ISO 22301 will ensure that organizations can respond and continue its operations. Incidents take many forms ranging from large scale natural disasters and acts of terror to technology-related accidents and environmental incidents. However, most incidents are small but can have a significant impact and that makes business continuity management relevant at all times.

    ISO 22301 provides a framework to plan, establish, implement, operate, monitor, review, maintain and continually improve a business continuity management system (BCMS). It is expected to help organizations protect against, prepare for, respond to, and recover when disruptive incidents arise.

    ISO 22301 is the first standard published which is aligned with the new ISO format for writing management systems standards. This will ease understanding and ensure consistency with other management systems, such as ISO 9001 (quality management), ISO 14001 (environmental management) and ISO/IEC 27001 (information security management).

    Benefits of ISO 22301

  • Minimize organization disruption
  • Increased customer satisfaction
  • Sales and marketing advantages
  • Continuous improvement
  • Greater control over processes and internal systems
  • Access new markets and clients
  • Industry best practice
  • Demonstrates your commitment to disaster recovery
  • What is ISO/IEC 27001?

    To keep corporate information and official data secure, organizations take advantage from globally renowned ISO/IEC 27001 - Information Security Management System (ISMS) Standard. The data can either be offline or online or both. This standard helps organizations to manage security for their financial information, intellectual property data, human resource related information, consumers' personal data and third-party analysis etc.

    ISO 27001 Accreditation/Certification ensures an increase in customer's trust. It also boosts organizational reputation which ultimately gives an upper hand as compared to non-certified organizations. Main purpose of ISO/IEC 27001 is to make sure that proper steps are taken to protect the confidential information, integrity of data and availability of information to general public in case of need.

    In modern world, data stealing methods have been evolved to new extent, including virus attacks, ransomware, fraud, spamming etc. These threats co-exist with business growth and come into effect internally or externally. Vulnerable management systems allow sensitive data to be stolen, leaked, corrupted or used for ransomware demands. ISO/IEC 27001 based information security management system can help to take extra security measure to fix the vulnerabilities and prevent data breach.

    Why is Information Security important for you?

  • Win new business and sharpen your competitive edge
  • Avoid the financial penalties and losses associated with data breaches
  • Protect and enhance your reputation
  • Comply with business, legal, contractual and regulatory requirements
  • Improve structure and focus
  • Reduce the need for frequent audits
  • Obtain an independent opinion about your security posture
  • Benefits of ISO/IEC 27001
  • Securing confidential information
  • Consumers and stakeholders trust
  • Exchanging information securely
  • Comply with legal and regulatory requirements
  • Upper hand as compared to non-accredited organizations
  • Less chances of data breach
  • Securing assets, customers' information, financial data and other official information.
  • Commitment to privacy
  • What is ISO/IEC 27034?

    The ISO/IEC 27034 provides a systematic approach that guides organizations to implement security concepts, principles, and processes in the application security structure. Application security is an international concept that supports the information security framework and guides an organization towards achieving a solid information security structure within its operations.

    The ISO/IEC 27034 Application Security provides clear and comprehensive guidelines on designing, specifying, developing, implementing, testing and maintaining security controls and functions in application systems. The ISO/IEC 27034 delivers a process approach for organizations in integrating security measures and establishing a protective structure into the processes used to manage their applications. ISO/IEC 27034 applies to different business industries and it contributes to the security features of information technology, data, stakeholder’s actions, and ongoing development of application systems in an organization.

    Why is ISO/IEC 27034 Application Security important for you?

    The purpose of Application Security is to ensure that the security level in an organization meets the necessary requirements of the protective measures. ISO/IEC 27034 Application Security is an important feature for advancing your professional career and improving the methodological approaches of security in an organization. The ISO/IEC 27034 practices contribute to the establishment of adequate guidelines to identify, repair and set protective constraints to the security vulnerabilities of an organization.

    Benefits of ISO/IEC 27034 Application Security

    By becoming an ISO/IEC 27034 Application Security Certified Professional you will be able to:
  • Comprehend the fundamentals of application security and its relationship with other information security standards.
  • Learn the best practices, concepts, and techniques to apply security guidelines in an organization.
  • Acquire professional expertise to manage an application security implementation project.
  • Understand the role and requirements of each of the stakeholders in the organization.
  • Develop the necessary knowledge and improve your skills to provide application security best practices in an organization.

  • What is ISO 37001?

    An ISO 37001:2016 anti-bribery management system (ABMS), will provide your organization with a framework for prohibiting, preventing, detecting, reporting and dealing with any bribery risks that may occur. It specifies how an organization can implement risk-based policies, procedures and controls or enhance the controls you currently have. Applying it correctly, can help to establish whether an organization has put in place reasonable and proportionate measures designed to prevent bribery. It can be integrated into your organization’s existing management processes and controls e.g. ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 etc.

    Benefits of ISO 37001

    Benefits of ISO 37001 Certification could include: -

  • A way to familiarize yourself with anti-bribery legislation.
  • Enables stronger confidence, better reputation and could help to develop more business.
  • Identify risks early and prove you have measures in place.
  • Stay protected and compliant with legislation.
  • Manage risk across your business, including supply chains.
  • Continually improve and deliver best practice in managing bribery risks.
  • Implementing ISO 37001 can help avoid reputational damage by being involved in bribery.

  • What is ISO/IEC 20000?

    ISO 20000 is a framework for businesses wanting to implement a service management system (SMS) and then monitor, review, maintain and improve upon it.

    The standard allows businesses to document the design, transition, delivery and improvement of their services and evaluate whether those services are meeting their objectives.

    ISO 20000 is especially relevant for business that are seeking assurance that their service requirements will be fulfilled or are looking to establish a consistent approach across its business and supply chain.

    Benefits of ISO/IEC 20000

  • Adopt an integrated approach to IT service delivery
  • Deliver consistently high standards of products and services
  • Reduce process errors and strengthen incident management
  • Improve response times and reduce interruptions to IT services
  • Reduce costs and increase revenues
  • Increase internal and external customers satisfaction
  • Improve its corporate image and credibility with customers
  • Increase employee understanding of roles and business objectives
  • Ensure employees are aware of and comply with relevant laws
  • Create a culture of continuous improvement among employees
  • Protect its brand, its assets, its shareholders, and its directors
  • Retain customers and win new business.

  • What is ISO 55001?

    ISO 55001 for Asset Management Systems requires organization’s to adopt a risk-based approach to the management of assets. ISO 55001 is not a prescriptive document, rather it is intended to enable organization’s to manage assets effectively through the adoption of a Strategic Asset Management Plan and Asset Management Plans for differing groups or classes of assets.

    Documentation Requirements:
  • Asset Management Policy
  • AMS or Management Manual
  • Procedures
  • Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP)
  • Asset Management Plans (AMPs)
  • Asset Register
  • Maintenance System
  • Improvement Plan (monitoring asset management objectives and targets)
  • Registers – nonconformances and corrective action.

  • Benefits of ISO 55001

  • demonstrated due diligence by meeting customer requirements
  • meeting international best practice for asset management
  • meeting tender requirements and stand out from the competition
  • improved reputation and enhanced company profile
  • improved financial performance
  • improved services and outputs
  • long term system integrity and tracking assets over lifecycle
  • informed asset investment decisions
  • improved organizational sustainability
  • increased asset efficiency and performance
  • greater transparency of assets’ location and maintenance
  • easily integrated with other management systems.

  • What is ISO 20121?

    ISO 20121:2012, Event sustainability management systems – Requirements with guidance for use, is suitable for ensuring that events, ranging from local celebrations to "mega events" such as the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games, leave behind a positive legacy. The standard is relevant to all members of the event industry supply chain including organizers, event managers, stand builders, caterers and logistics suppliers.

    Conferences, concerts, sporting events, exhibitions and festivals can offer a wide range of public, local community and economic benefits. However, staging an event can also generate negative economic, environmental and social impacts, such as material waste, energy consumption and strains on local communities.

    ISO 20121 provides the framework for identifying the potentially negative social, economic and environmental impacts of events by removing or reducing them, and capitalizing on more positive impacts through improved planning and processes.

    Benefits of ISO 20121

    ISO 20121 offers benefits to all actors involved in the organization of an event, at all stages of the supply chain, including the following:

  • Event organizers
  • Event owners
  • Workforce
  • Supply chain (such as caterers, stand constructors, transport companies)
  • Participants
  • Attendees
  • Regulatory bodies
  • Communities

  • What is ISO 14001?

    ISO 14001 is the principal management system standard which specifies the requirements for the formulation and maintenance of an EMS. This helps to control your environmental aspects, reduce impacts and ensure legal compliance.

    Evaluation of Environmental Aspects

    Environmental aspects are the activities that result in an impact on the environment. As every business consumes materials, uses energy and generates waste in operating the business environmental impacts will occur as a result.

    Examples of environmental aspects include the following:
  • Use of utilities such as water, electricity, gas etc.
  • Generation of waste
  • Air emissions, smoke and fumes
  • Disposal of effluents
  • Management of activities with the potential to cause pollution such as bulk oil storage tanks.

  • Once you have identified these environmental aspects, you’ll need to determine the impact they could have on the environment and, using a “risk” scoring system, identify the aspects that are the most significant.

    The scoring system isn’t prescribed by the standard; as long as it is adequate to the task, it can be as simple or complex as you desire. There are a number of methods you could employ that can help to identify the likelihood of an event (failure) happening and the potential impact if it does. Therefore, a high-risk impact event that is likely to occur would receive a high score, indicating that it is a concern for the business, whereas a low-risk impact event that is unlikely to occur would receive a low score.

    Benefits of ISO 14001

  • Cost savings in waste, recycling and consumption
  • Advantage over competitors when tendering for business
  • Management of environmental risks
  • Compliance with individual countries environmental regulations
  • Demonstrates your commitment to improving the environment
  • Shows you are a responsible future focused organization
  • Can reduce insurance cover costs
  • Can increase employee engagement in the knowledge that they are working in an environmentally friendly organization

  • What is ISO 22000?

    ISO 22000 is an international standard designed to ensure food supply chain safety worldwide, enabling organizations to demonstrate their ability to control food safety hazards and ensure that food is safe for human consumption.

    The standard is applicable to all organizations of any size within the food chain and is recognized worldwide by stakeholders such as regulators, primary producers, food manufacturers and packers, retailers and consumers.

    ISO 22000 demonstrates that robust and effective food safety management systems are in place, and can be used as first step to fulfil the requirements of schemes recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI).

    What does ISO 22000 require? What is the role of Food Safety Management System in Food Industry?

  • Organizational commitment towards Food Safety
  • develop internal system about Food Safety Hazard and Risk from process and product
  • Develop Food Safety Monitoring Plan covering stages of inspections required to control manufacturing or service delivery process to eliminate, reduce or control health hazards and food safety risks from physical, chemical & microbiological contamination.
  • Identification organization context Risk and opportunity.
  • Increase consumer confidence, community faith and stake holder confidence
  • Reduce legal obligation related to product, service delivery such as Food Safety and Standards FSSAI Act, FSS Rules, Food Safety & Standard Rules.
  • Global market access in terms of export and global recognition
  • Independent of personal competency and high reliability on Food Safety Management System.
  • Reduce Product Recall, Reduce Product Withdrawal, Reduce Non-Conformances, reduce re-process, Reduce Legal Non-Compliances,
  • Legal Compliance of Schedule 4 Compliance of FSSAI, FSSAI license conditions, FSSAI Inspection
  • Pre-Requisite Program, Operational PRP, Hazard Risk Evaluation, CCP Determination, HACCP Plan, Validation Plan, Verification Plan, FSMS Plan, Food Safety Management System Plan
  • Food Safety concerned organizational approach
  • Reduce Legal Obligation and compliance inspections.

  • WHY IQCCAB best for FSSC 22000 Certification?

    There are several Reasons to choose IQCCAB as

  • Value added two step certification process
  • Timely delivery of certificate as committed
  • 24 X 7 support as executive team is always available
  • online processing from Application to certification decision.
  • Economic and Competitive Prices of Certification

  • Benefits of ISO 22000

  • Higher quality jobs in the food industry.
  • Improved utilization of resources worldwide.
  • Increased company profits.
  • Potential increased economic growth.
  • Insurance of safer food.
  • Reduction in rates of foodborne disease.

  • What is ISO 45001?

    ISO 45001 is an International Standard that specifies requirements for an occupational health and safety (OH&S) management system, with guidance for its use, to enable an organization to proactively improve its OH&S performance in preventing injury and ill-health. ISO 45001 is intended to be applicable to any organization regardless of its size, type and nature. ISO 45001 enables an organization, through its OH&S management system, to integrate other aspects of health and safety, such as worker wellness/wellbeing; however, it should be noted that an organization can be required by applicable legal requirements to also address such issues.

    What Will ISO 45001 Do?

    Regardless of what industry you are in, accidents that lead to injury or health related issues will always occur. Therefore, whether you are an employee, manager or business owner, you will always share the same goal- minimize the number of casualties at work. ISO 45001 provides you with a framework to identify, control and prevent work-related injuries.

    By obtaining an ISO 45001 certification you will prove that you care about the well-being of employees and that you are continually making efforts to enhance their welfare. Furthermore, you will earn a globally recognized certificate on Occupational Health and Safety Management, which will prove that you are aware of the policies and processes needed to reduce work injuries. You will also gain a competitive advantage by improving your brand’s reputation and increasing your capacity.

    Key Differences Between OHSAS 18001 and ISO 45001:2018

  • The ISO 45001:2018 solely focuses on the occupational health and safety management system of an organization. Published in March 2018, this standard works towards eliminating the chance of any potential disease and injuries related to occupation. It also follows the structure of ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 9001:2015, so that it is easy to integrate these standards in any organization if it has already received the ISO 45001:2018 certification.
  • This ISO standard is based on the OHSAS 18001 that also focuses on the OH&S assessments. The organizations that have already acquired the BS OHSAS 18001 certification can easily migrate to the ISO 45001 till March 2021. Although the ISO 45001:2018 is mainly based on the standards of OHSAS 18001, there are some differences in these two standards.
  • The now-defunct OHSAS 18001 was mainly focused on managing the occupational health and safety hazards and issues related to it. However, the ISO 45001 primarily focuses on the interaction between the working environment and the organization. This helps to minimize or eliminate the chance of any hazard.
  • The new ISO 45001:2018 standard is a process-based certification while the old OHSAS 18001 is a procedure-based certification. The first one focuses primarily on why the hazard happens rather than solely concentrating on the solution part.
  • The OHSAS 18001 is not dynamic, but the new ISO 45001 truly is. Besides addressing all the OH&S issues of any organization, it also gives it the much-required confidence in safety management for efficient productivity and improved working condition for all the workers.
  • The OHSAS 18001 certification primarily focuses on the occupational risk of any organization while the ISO 45001 focuses on both the risk and opportunities. By doing so, it not only eliminates the chance of future hazards and also finds opportunities to improve the overall safety standard.
  • OHSAS 18001 did not ever include the views of interested parties of any organization. However, the new ISO 45001:2018 contains all the aspects. With that inclusion, it not only creates the engagement of all the parties but also creates a better working environment.

  • Benefits of ISO 45001

    An ISO 45001 based OH&S management system will enable an organization to improve its OH&S performance by:

  • Developing and implementing an OH&S policy and OH&S objectives
  • Establishing systematic processes which consider its “context” and which consider its risks and opportunities, and its legal and other requirements
  • Determining the hazards and OH&S risks associated with its activities; seeking to eliminate them, or putting in controls to minimize their potential effects
  • Establishing operational controls to manage its OH&S risks and its legal and other requirements
  • Increasing awareness of its OH&S risks
  • Evaluating its OH&S performance and seeking to improve it, through taking appropriate actions
  • Ensuring workers take an active role in OH&S matters
  • In combination, these measures will ensure that an organization’s reputation as a safe place to work will be promoted, and can have more direct benefits, such as:
  • Improving its ability to respond to regulatory compliance issues
  • Reducing the overall costs of incidents
  • Reducing downtime and the costs of disruption to operations
  • Reducing the cost of insurance premiums
  • Reducing absenteeism and employee turnover rates
  • Recognition for having achieved an international benchmark (which may in turn influence customers who are concerned about their social responsibilities)

  • What is OHSAS 18001?

    OHSAS 18001:2007 was developed in response to demand for a recognizable health and safety management system standard that could be externally assessed and certified.

    With OH&S management extending to global organizations and complex supply chains, an international standard was needed to ensure a consistent approach for workers worldwide. The new international OH&S standard, ISO 45001:2018, was published on 12 March 2018 with organizations certified to OHSAS 18001 given a three-year migration period from the date of publication.

    ISO 45001 combines the technical strength of existing OH&S standards, including OHSAS 18001, with the high-level structure of other international standards like ISO 9001 (Quality) and ISO 14001 (Environment) to make it easier to integrate into higher-level business management systems.

    Why do I need a health and safety management system?

    As a business owner, you are legally obliged to provide a safe working environment for your employees. This means doing everything you can to ensure that you and your staff won’t get hurt or contract an illness due to something in the workplace.
    Implementing an ISO 18001-compliant health and safety management system is a great way to ensure that you are protecting your workers and meeting your legal obligations. A good health and safety management system covers all possibilities and constantly evolves to ensure that any new risks are accounted for as soon as they arise.

    Benefits of OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management

    Here are some benefits of using the OHSAS 18001 framework:

  • Reduce the risk of fines – The standard drives increased employee awareness of and compliance with legal OH&S obligations, minimizing the risk of legal action
  • Improve your corporate image – having best-practice OH&S measures in place to protect staff can increase stakeholders’ and interested parties’ confidence
  • Implement clear OH&S processes – Protect the health and well-being of your employees, sub-contractors, and the general public by implementing clear processes that everyone can easily follow
  • Minimizes employer liability – by adopting proactive rather than reactive controls
  • Reduce accident rates – the standard helps you to reduce accident/incident rates by identifying and minimizing workplace hazards
  • Improve your incident investigation process – by identifying the potential causes of accidents within the workplace you can prevent repeat incidents
  • Increase employee motivation – by involving them in the process of creating a safer workplace and improving communication and training
  • Boost productivity – by preventing incidents that disrupt your business, reducing absenteeism and enhancing employee morale.

  • What is ISO 50001?

    Effective energy management systems thus help an organization in order to provide an established process to improve the performance of energy. The implementation of such kind of management systems must reduce the energy costs, the Greenhouse Gas emissions, and also other degrading environmental impacts. ISO 50001 helps to establish an international framework for the supply, use, and the consumption of energy in the industrial, commercial and the institutional organizations. Implementing an ISO 50001 compliant sustainable energy management system helps to demonstrate the fact that an organization has completed a baseline of an energy use and it is committed to continuously improve its energy consumption.

    ISO 50001:2011 Requires Organizations to:

    Energy is crucial to the organization’s operations and can result in major costs regardless of its activities. Energy Management provides guidance on the usage of energy throughout the organization’s supply chain, from raw materials to recycling. Apart from costs, energy usage contributes to climate change as well. Considering that the search for alternative energy sources can be time consuming; every organization should aspire to reduce energy consumption and use. In addition, organizations should attempt to increase employee awareness towards energy conservation. By becoming ISO 50001 certified, you will acquire the necessary skills, which will enable you to help the organization comprehend the positive impacts of this standard. Likewise, you will assist the organization to reduce its contribution to global warming, thus become recognized as an environmentally friendly organization.

    Benefits of ISO 50001
  • Promote continual improvement
  • Identify opportunities for improvement
  • Challenge the system in light of changing expectations
  • Satisfy the expectations of most stakeholders
  • Ensure greater level of control
  • Enhance image
  • Demonstrate transparency and commitment
  • Provide independent verification to interested parties

  • What is ISO 14015?

    ISO 14015 provides a systematic process on how to conduct an Environmental Assessment of Sites and Organizations. Purchasing and selling business units gives rise to many questions regarding compliance with environmental regulations. This standard, therefore, presents guidelines on properly determining the risk of acquiring property that holds a strategic benefit for the company, while avoiding any adverse cost and legal liability. The guidelines can be used by organizations of all sizes, operating anywhere in the world.

    The Environmental Assessment of Sites and Organizations will enable the evaluation of environmental issues associated with an organization’s sites and other activities. This standard can be used for self-assessments, as well as for external assessments, with or without the need to employ third parties. In addition, this assessment can be conducted during operations or at the time of asset acquisition.

    Why is an Environmental assessment of sites and organizations important for you?

    The main benefit of ISO 14015 lies in the ability to manage environmental risks and avoid potential problems that accompany lawsuits and associated interaction with government authorities. By becoming ISO 14015 certified, you will become acquainted with the best practices of protecting an organization from expensive compliance obligations and from having its value diminished, which in turn degrades the company’s financial situation during negotiations.

    Benefits of ISO 14015 - Environmental assessment of sites and organizations

    By becoming ISO 14015 certified, you will be able to:

  • Properly conduct a property value assessment
  • Identify the environmental issues associated with an organization’s sites and activities on time
  • Increase shareholder returns
  • Reduce the organization’s instability
  • Improve the organization’s reputation among all stakeholders
  • Improve the organization’s operational and environmental performance
  • Protect the organization from far-reaching liability issues
  • Mitigate environmental risks

  • What is ISO 14063?

    Environmental communication has become increasingly important due to increased environmental concerns and awareness among organizations seeking to attain and deliver information regarding their environmental practices and response to environmental issues. ISO 14063 provides guidance to an organization on the general principles, policy, strategy and activities related to both internal and external interested parties to establish a mutual understanding on environmental issues, aspects and performance.

    This standard is applicable to all types of organizations, regardless of their sector, structure, activities, products and services. Apart from that, the standard can be used as a standalone standard or in conjunction with any of the standards of the ISO 14000 series.

    Why is Environmental Communication important for you?

    Environmental communication is a crucial part of environmental strategies. It enables you to help an organization in establishing a communication strategy that keeps the interested parties and customers informed about your organization’s environmental performance. Effective environmental communication creates added-value to an organization’s environmental performance as well as its profitability and competitiveness.

    Moreover, you will be able to comprehend communication practices, create communicative strategies for environmental changes, establish collective action, and facilitate environmental conflicts in a positive way. In addition, you will also distinguish yourself from the competition because organizations are continuously looking for individuals with outstanding environmental communication skills.

    Benefits of ISO 14063 - Environmental Communication

    By becoming ISO 14063 certified, you will be able to:

  • Help interested parties understand your organization`s environmental policy, performance and improvement commitments
  • Increase the level of awareness about environmental protection
  • Promote an environmentally friendly culture
  • Improve the environmental perceptions of interested parties
  • Support your organization in delivering an effective environmental communication

  • What is ISO 14062?

    ISO 14062 provides the concepts and practices associated with the integration of environmental aspects into product design and development. This standard is relevant when developing sector-specific documents. All products and services might have an impact on the environment, which can be minimal or significant and can occur at different levels such as local, regional, and global or a combination of them.

    Considering the increased importance of environmental issues in the eyes of customers, users, and the society, in general, it is of substantial importance to integrate environmental aspects into product design and development. Organizations should develop clear strategies and structures with adequate goals and objectives during the product design and development in order to support eco-design strategies.

    Why is Sustainable Product and Design important for you?

    Successful formulation and implementation of eco-design principles requires the involvement of a variety of business activities. By supporting these strategies, an organization will benefit in improving brand reputation and values, as well as environmental and financial performance.

    By becoming a certified professional against ISO 14062, you will become acquainted with the appropriate understanding on how to best organize, manage and implement eco-design. Moreover, you will gain a profound knowledge of the history behind the brand, which will allow you to encourage, support, promote and continuously integrate the environmental aspects when designing and developing products, services, and systems.

    Benefits of ISO 14062 – Sustainable Product and Design

    By becoming an ISO 14062 certified professional, you will be able to help an organization to:

  • Minimize costs
  • Encourage innovation
  • Develop new business opportunities
  • Enhance product quality
  • Improve resource and process efficiency
  • Achieve product differentiation
  • Attract new customers
  • Improve sustainability
  • Boost competitive advantage

  • What is ISO 14051?

    ISO 14051 provides a general framework for material flow cost accounting. By definition, Material Flow Cost Accounting (MFCA) is an Environmental Management Accounting tool designed to reduce environmental impacts, while generating financial benefits. The MFCA analysis shows a material loss in production processes by using the instrument of mass balances. MFCA applies to all businesses and organizations that use materials and energy, regardless of their size, structure, products, services, or location.

    Why is Material Flow Cost Accounting important for you?

    Nowadays, manufacturers and other businesses are pressured to reduce environmental impacts and at the same time increase their productivity. Obtaining a Material Flow Cost Accounting certification will help your business to identify the added value you lose as a result of material losses and distribute the costs in a production system to both products and material losses.

    Furthermore, MFCA will help you enhance your understanding of the potential environmental and financial consequences of your material and energy practices. At the same time, your organization will gain valuable information that can contribute in the internal decision-making process regarding material flow-related measures that are suitable for reducing environmental impacts and costs.

    Benefits of ISO 14051 Material Flow Cost Accounting

  • Obtaining a Material Flow Cost Accounting certification will enable you to:
  • Improve the environmental and economic performance of the organization
  • Enhance resource and business efficiency
  • Grow in relevance and importance
  • Visualize material losses within your organization’s supply chain
  • Improve the coordination and awareness regarding material and energy usage
  • Promote a culture of sustainability

  • What is ISO 14031?

    Environmental Performance Evaluation is used to evaluate, measure, report and communicate the environmental performance of an organization based on the management’s criteria. The Environmental Performance Evaluation (EPE) provides a strong and continuous process by using indicators to compare present and past performance with the criteria established by the organization. These criteria enable organizations to seek continual improvement in the environmental performance and enhance effectiveness and profitability. This standard is designed for all organizations, regardless of type, size, location and complexity.

    Environmental Performance Evaluation (or EPE), along with environmental audits and compliance, helps an organization’s management to assess the status of its environmental performance and to identify areas of potential improvement that are aligned with other industry best practices. As an ongoing process of collection and assessment of environmental data, it also enables organizations to observe its performance trends over time, which can play an important role in strategic goal setting.

    Why are Environmental Performance Evaluation Trainings important for you?

    ISO 14031 helps an organization to effectively manage products, services and activities, which can have significant environmental impacts in understanding, demonstrating and improving environmental performance.

    By becoming certified against ISO 14031, you will become acquainted with the best practices to select the appropriate environmental management indicators and assess their effectiveness in reducing adverse environmental performance.

    Benefits of ISO 14031 Environmental Performance Evaluation Trainings

    By becoming a NQCAB ISO 14031 certified individual you will be able to:

  • Enhance the understanding and identification of the organization’s impacts on the environment
  • Support an Environmental Management System
  • Identify the risks, set of objectives and targets, and track performance on an ongoing basis
  • Demonstrate compliance with regulations and increase operational efficiency
  • Enhance reputation and credibility by having a stronger environmental performance
  • Use resources more efficiently
  • Help organization’s in achieving environmental performance objectives
  • Demonstrate efforts and commitment in improving environmental performance
  • Gain competitive advantage

  • What is ISO/IEC 17025?

    ISO/IEC 17025 was first issued in 1999 by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). It is the single most important standard for calibration and testing laboratories around the world. Laboratories that are accredited to this international standard have demonstrated that they are technically competent and able to produce precise and accurate test and/or calibration data.

    What is RoHS?

    RoHS (Restriction of Use of Hazardous Substances) regulations limit or ban specific substances lead, cadmium, polybrominated biphenyl (PBB), mercury, hexavalent chromium, and polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) flame retardants – in new electronic and electric equipment.

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    To organise, promote, undertake all programmes for the formation of fearless and non-succumbing society on the basis of truthfulness & nonviolence To organise, promote, undertake, sponser, carry out all programmes for the benefit of naturally challenged persons, schedule caste, schedule tribes, people under poverty line, old-aged, widow and down trodden irrespective of caste, creed, sex and religion such as: